Let's take a look at some 1980s televisions. Forget those silly programmes you've watched which infer that we were all watching funky, late '60s designed space-age tellies in the '70s and early '80s. I've never clapped eyes on one and I was born in 1965. For yonks, most people watched bog-standard tellies with plastic wood effect surrounds or, when it came to portables, white plastic surrounds were popular. The tellies above were featured in the Brian Mills spring and summer 1983 catalogue. It was during the 1980s that remote control tellies became prevalent, but the prices listed above were certainly not cheap in those days.
And what's all that What Is Teletext? stuff at the top of the catalogue page? Surely Teletext had been around for years? Well, yes, it had, but it had never really caught on. Cost again, I suppose. According to 40 Years of British Television, by Jane Harbord and Jeff Wright (Boxtree, 1995), only six per cent of UK homes were receiving Teletext in 1984. Hence all the exciting catalogue hype.
I was less of a technophobe than I am now (well, there wasn't half as much technology about back then!), but decided there was nothing on Teletext I couldn't get from the daily paper, ordinary TV broadcasts, or the radio. However, taking a close look at the catalogue page above, I see that Teletext listed materials needed for each day's activities in Play School - which, on the two days featured, included "materials for doctors and nurses game" and pipe cleaners. Fascinating. I don't think you could get that information elsewhere.
So, obviously Teletext did have its uses. I stand corrected. Youthful arrogance, that's all it was.
From the Brian Mills Spring & Summer 1983 mail order catalogue.
The Pye Tube Cube radio/black and white TV/cassette/digital clock combination - an exciting new piece of technology, launched circa 1982. These were great - CONSUME, CONSUME! Nah, t'weren't like that in early 1983 when I bought mine. The big booming bit of the '80s was yet to arrive. The simple fact was that my seriously old telly (I was still a black and white guy in the early 1980s) had a horizontal hold so "gone" people on screen looked like eggs on legs, and the wood effect plastic surround was peeling off.
So, I put it out of its misery and bought a Tube Cube (again black and white) from my aunt's mail order catalogue, paying for it in minute weekly amounts. Captures from an advertisement for the Tube Cube featured on TV-am's first broadcast in 1983.
The 1983 Tube Cube ad.

Britain launches an £80 mini-marvel
Daily Mirror, September 17 1983.
A tiny TV with a big future went on show for the first time yesterday.
It's the size of a paperback book - and at £79.95 its price will also fit most people's pockets.
What's more the TV is British - the invention of electronics wizard, Sir Clive Sinclair. It has a revolutionary flat screen and measures only 5 1/2 in long, 3 1/2 in high and 1 1/4 in deep. It will run for 15 hours on a special £3 battery.
The set, which is black-and-white, has only two controls and will automatically adjust to any TV system in the world except the French.
Multi-millionaire Sir Clive told a London news conference: "This represents a number of firsts. It is a major breakthrough."
He said the launch was partly held up by a strike at the Dundee factory where the TV tubes are made.
This allowed Japanese rivals to win the race to the shops with their own mini-sets - but at far higher prices.
Sir Clive said that his set would be the best, the brightest, the easiest to use and the cheapest.
"We had the flat tube long before anyone else in the world and the only way the Japanese can match our price is by selling at a loss," he said.
Sir Clive, who is already working on a colour version, hopes to sell up to a million of the new sets each year.

Teletext information is received as clearly as it can be. You see your favourite programmes spot on the signal every time...

There was a choice of five designer colours - electric blue, jade green, laser red, artic white and ebony black. Black became a highly popular colour for TV surrounds in the late 1980s, a trend which lasted throughout the 1990s.
The 22 inch Teletext TV costs £429.90, the 26 inch Teletext £549.90 and the 20 inch Teletext £389.90.

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